To remove your previously saved payment method, you need to first ensure that the payment method being removed is not linked to a current Direct Debit.
To unenrol the direct debit:
Once logged in to your My Tango account, you will be met with the home screen.
Select 'Billing'
Select 'DIrect Debit', Then the 3 dots on the right.
Select 'Un Enroll'
The Direct Debit is now unenrolled
Once your Direct Debit is unenrolled you can remove the saved card from your My Tango account
To remove a previously saved payment method:
Select 'More', Then 'Account'
Select 'Payment Information'
On the card you are wanting to remove, select the 3 dots on the right.
Hit 'Remove'
Confirm the removal of the selected payment method
A message will pop up to confirm the payment method is successfully deleted