How to link accounts on your My Tango account

If you have an multiple active accounts with Tango Energy you can link them in your portal account to easily toggle between them!


Once logged in to your My Tango account, you will be met with the home screen.

Select 'More'

Then select 'Account'


Select 'My Service address'

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Select 'Link Account'

Once you select 'Link Account', you will see any other accounts that are linked with your details.
(If you are unable to see your other accounts please contact support on 1800 010 648, Monday - Friday from 8am-6pm, public holidays excluded)


Select the accounts to link, by clicking the checkbox then hit 'Done'

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A message will pop up to confirm the accounts are successfully linked

Once accounts are successfully linked, you can then change between the accounts at the top of your screen.




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