How to read your Meter or submit a Meter read

If you’re interested in understanding how to read your meter, you’ve come to the right place!

If you’ve come here looking for help because you’d like to submit your own meter read, power to you!

But, beware, we require your read submission before the due date of your invoice. Any self-read submitted after the due date may not be accepted.



Time to get down to business. Follow the below steps to submit your own meter read:

Step 1: You’ve reviewed your bill and notice by looking on Page 2 under the ‘Current Usage’ section, that you see the letter “E”, meaning you’ve received an estimated bill.
Or, you’re under the impression that there is an error or incorrect charge for your electricity or gas usage showing.

Step 2: Locate your meter.

Step 3: Give us a call on 1800 010 648 Monday – Friday between 8am – 6pm and speak to our friendly customer service team. Otherwise, you can also take a clear photo of the meter digits and follow the steps below.

Step 4: Email the photo to along with the below information in the subject field: 

  • Your Tango Energy Account Number
  • Your supply address
  • Your NMI (National Meter Identifier) for Electricity or your MIRN (Meter Installation Reference Number) for Gas.
    These details can be found under ‘Property Summary Information’ on Page 2 of your bill.

Our Billing team will review the meter read and we will respond to you with the outcome. Typically, it will take 3 to 5 business days for this to be actioned for you.


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