Gas Faults and Emergencies

If someone’s life or property is at risk, please call 000 immediately.

Gas Emergencies or suspected Gas Leak

If there is a gas fire at your property, move away from the affected area and call 000 immediately.

Where you have detected a gas leak do not remain in the immediate area or make calls from near the suspected leak, smoke, use electronic or electrical appliances including torches in the area until it is confirmed as safe by a licensed professional.

If you think there may be a gas leak at your property, contact Tango Energy on 1800 010 648 and press option ‘1’ for Faults and Emergencies, followed by option ‘2’ for Gas Faults.

Alternatively, report the fault to your Gas Distributor by calling their 24-hour assistance line which can be found on the top right-hand corner of your Tango Energy Gas bill.

Don’t have your bill handy? The 24-hour emergency contact numbers for Victorian gas distributors are listed below:


Victorian Gas Distributors


24-hour Contact Number

Australian Gas Network

1800 898 220


13 26 91

AusNet Services

13 67 07


Not sure who your Energy Distributor is?

Visit the Australian Energy Regulator’s site to find out who your distributor is.  

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