Setting up Direct Debits and making payments

Pay your bill your way. Tango's flexible payment options make paying your bill simple.

We currently accept VISA, Mastercard and AMEX.
A surcharge fee is applicable for Debit and Credit Card payments.

Direct Debit 

Save the hassle of manually paying your bills when you set up Direct Debit. The best part? No credit or debit card fees apply when you set up Direct Debit! You’ll need your account number handy. If you’re new to Tango Energy, you can find your account number on your ‘Transfer Complete’ letter.

To arrange Direct Debit from your VISA, Mastercard, AMEX or bank account click here.

When successfully set up, the full amount displayed on your invoice will be debited from your nominated bank account/card on the due date of your bill.

Pay online


Call us

On 1800 010 648 and follow the prompts.
Our automated bill payment system is accessible 24/7; however, if you wish to speak to one of our agents, call between 8 am and 6 pm Monday to Friday Australian Eastern Time. 


Make payments via your financial institution. You’ll need:
Biller Code: 929281
Ref: The 10 digit BPAY reference number found under ‘Payment Methods’ on your bill.

In person, at AusPost

Visit any Australia Post Office, present your invoice and pay your bill using cash, cheque, a credit card or EFTPOS.

By mail

Send us a cheque or money order (payable to Pacific Blue Retail Pty Ltd t/a Tango Energy) along with your payment slip taken from your bill to:

Tango Energy
PO BOX 320
North Geelong. VIC, 3215

If snail mail is your thing, consider Australia Post’s mail processing times before posting to us.


If you are looking after family members, splitting bills with housemates, or need a bit of extra help with a bill, try HelpPay so anyone can help cover your bill.

Download HelpPay’s app for free at to set up, or find out more about how HelpPay works here.

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