Why is my energy bill higher than I expected?

Nobody likes to receive an unexpectedly high bill, yet from time to time it happens to the best of us.

If your latest energy bill is higher than you were anticipating, here are some of the reasons why this could occur and some helpful tips that may prevent the same shock when you open your next bill.

Potential reasons for higher-than-normal energy bills:

  1. Time of the Year: Usage can change depending on the season. Things that can drive up your energy usage can include heating and cooling appliances - people tend to use their heaters much more during the cooler months and their air conditioners during the warmer months of the year.

    As a Tango customer, you can log in or register to “My Account” where you can find and monitor your electricity usage.
  2. Changes in household: If you’ve had guests over, or if you’ve been working from home, this could increase the amount of energy you’re using.  
  3. Supply period: Your bill may be higher this month or quarter because you have been billed for a longer period. The invoice will rarely be the exact number of days as the previous invoice. You can check the supply period on page 2 of your bill under ‘Detailed Charges’. Delayed invoices seldomly happen however there can be times when this can occur which can result in a higher bill.
  4. Appliances: If you have recently bought a new appliance or installed a new heating or cooling system, this may be consuming more power. For a business or company, you may have expanded and bought additional tools and equipment.

How can I monitor and control what I am spending on energy?

Generally, newer and up-to-date appliances are more energy-efficient than older ones but this is not always the case. You can get an idea of the running costs of appliances by using the https://www.energyrating.gov.au/calculator

Powerpal can also help you understand your Electricity usage as you can see how your energy changes when you turn on and off the appliances in your home, which means you can better control how it is being used. Go to https://www.powerpal.net/ for more information.


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