Switching to Tango Energy from another retailer

Moving to Tango Energy from another retailer? Nice move!

Once you have selected the Energy Plan that’s right for you, the fun begins. You will receive a Welcome Pack with all the information relating to your plan/s, including a copy of your contract and rates.

When switching from another retailer, you do not need to let them know, we’ve got you covered, and will do this on your behalf.

If your electricity account is not currently with Tango Energy, we will arrange for your account to be transferred to us immediately after your cooling-off period expires. Typically, we will backdate your transfer to take effect from today; however, if you have a manually read meter at your site, the start date of your account with Tango Energy will be 1 business day after your cooling-off period expires.

If your gas account is not currently with Tango Energy, it will transfer from the next available meter read after your cooling-off period has expired. 

You can check your next scheduled read date on your latest invoice with your current retailer.

Cooling-off Period

If you enter a market retail contract with Tango Energy, you have a ten-business-day cooling-off period during which you can reconsider your energy contract. The ten business day cooling-off period commences from the date that you receive your Welcome Pack.

If you decide to exercise your cooling-off rights during this period, you must contact Tango Energy directly. If you were transferring from another retailer, you will continue to have your energy provided by this retailer and Tango Energy will withdraw the transfer application.

Do you want to transfer to us sooner and not wait until the next scheduled read?

You have the option of scheduling a meter read once your cooling-off period has ended. All you need to do is get in contact with us on 1800 010 648 between 8 am and 6 pm Monday to Friday, Australian Eastern Time and we will help to organise the read.

Once we have received the read from the distributor, we will notify you in writing to let you know that the transfer to Tango is completed and we will start to bill you for your energy supply.





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