Having trouble signing in?


Is this your first time using the new My Tango?

If you're a residential customer, you will need to set up a new profile (including customers who have used Tango’s previous My Account site). It only takes two steps to set up your new My Tango account – and you won’t regret it!

The new My Tango gives you more control, allowing you to track and monitor your energy usage in real time, to help you use less and spend less.

Click here to set up your new My Tango.

If you’re a business customer, please continue to use our original My Account portal for now, we’ll let you know when your My Tango is ready for use.


Still having issues signing in?

Don't forget you can retrieve your username here, or reset your password here.

If you're still experiencing issues, you can submit an enquiry below, chat with one of our agents or call us on 1800 010 648 from 8am-6pm AET Monday-Friday. 



I already have an account, do I need to re-register my details to use My Tango?

Yes, My Tango is a new system that provides better features for you. In order to access these improved features, we need to confirm your details again. It only takes two steps, and you’ll have access to your account straight away. 





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